Patrick Sweeney Logo

hi, I'm patrick.

As the former president of an international consulting firm who has earned a Master’s Degree in Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, my coaching can help you:
  • clarify your vision and goals,
  • tap into your strengths,
  • increase your resilience,
  • become more optimistic,
  • and create new possibilities.

I have written about and engaged audiences around the world on “How To Succeed on Your Own Terms.”

My coaching has been described as “compassionate, engaging, challenging, insightful and intuitive.”

My belief is that when we connect more deeply with our values, strengths and optimism, our direction comes into focus.

But enough about me. I’d like to know about you. How are you doing? What’s on your mind? And in your heart? What would you like to change? Or to become better at? Why is that important to you?